Re: animate volume (fadein/ out)

I assume you're talking about using "animate" on the "soundLevel"  
attribute of a region.

As far as I know, this is a known issue.
I think it's a bug introduced with the changes in the Helix community  
code (which RealOne player is now based on):

There are 3 bug reports, only one of which is FIXED (CLOSED): 
("Fix for 126350, audio drops out while soundLevel animation plays.  
Incorrect feature define, should be  HELIX_FEATURE_SMIL_SOUNDLEVEL.")

It's time we send more bug reports to the dev team (or revive the  
existing ones), because this is a serious issue:

Kind regards, Daniel WECK.

On 13 Jun 2005, at 20:26, YY wrote:

> Authoring SMIL 2.0 and trying to use the animate tag to fade in and  
> out the sound of a single rm audio file.
> Is there a limitation to the audio file type we can use as source in  
> order for the fade work properly?
> I am experiencing re-buffering and therefor stuttering audio during  
> the fades (Realplayer 10).
> I have used the code exactly as described in the real production  
> guide. Even their own files provided for the code example are  
> stuttering.
> Any known issues with that?
> thank you.

Received on Tuesday, 14 June 2005 09:47:56 UTC