par play of same realpix file in multiple regions

authoring using SMIL 2.0, I am trying to play the same realpix file in 
3 different regions simultaniously, without calling the realpix file 3 
times from the server (save bandwidth...) by using the regionName 

There seems to be no problem doing that with a static image file and/or 
with a playback video file, but when a realpix (.rp extension) file is 
specified as the source, realplayer only displays the first region 
defined in its layout.

This option is described in the real production guide, but I did not 
see any notes warning against doing that with a realpix file as the 
source (chapter 12, layout).

In the -layout- area all three regions have unique ID's but an 
identical regionName

In the -body- area I only specify, once, the regionName as defined 
earlier and the source for the media.
Does not work with rp for some reason, any ideas?
Thank you

Received on Tuesday, 14 June 2005 01:35:53 UTC