[Mlnet] EPIA 2005 CfP

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12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Celebrating 20 Years of AI in Portugal
Covilhã, Portugal
5-8 December 2005

[ Submission deadline: 27-May-2005 ]

Proceedings: Springer LNAI
Organisation: APPIA (Portuguese Association for AI)

EPIA 2005 will be run as an international conference, English being the 
official language.
As in previous issues, the conference will be structured around a set 
of Thematic Workshops, intended to provide participants the opportunity 
to focus on specific technical aspects or unique application areas of 
AI. This edition also includes a General AI workshop which will address 
all the AI topics not covered by the remaining workshops.
The scientific program also comprises invited lectures, tutorials, 
thematic panels and other initiatives intended to promote discussion 
along transversal themes. The conference is devoted to all areas of 
Artificial Intelligence and will cover both theoretical and 
foundational issues and applications as well.

AC - Affective Computing
ALEA - Artificial Life and Evolutionary Algorithms
BAOSW - Building and Applying Ontologies for the Semantic Web
CMB - Computational Methods in Bioinformatics
EKDB&W - Extraction of Knowledge from Databases and Warehouses
IROBOT - Intelligent Robotics
MASTA - Multi-Agent Systems: Theory and Applications
TEMA - Text Mining and Applications
GAIW - General AI Workshop

Important Dates
27-May-05          Paper Submission Deadline:
15-Jul-05            Author Notification
28-Jul-05            Deadline for Final Camera-Ready Copies
05/08-Dec-05     Conference

Submissions must follow the guidelines specified in the conference site 
(see http://epia05.di.ubi.pt). The reviewing process will be 
double-blind and follow the main guidelines of IJCAI. Authors must 
remove their names from the submitted papers, and should take 
reasonable care not to indirectly disclose their identity. The Springer 
LNCS format must be used (instructions in 
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html/). Paper submissions will 
be made in PDF format, through the submission page available in EPIA 
2005 website.

More detailed and up-to-date information, including types and maximum 
lengths of submissions, may be found in http://epia05.di.ubi.pt

Full papers of higher quality will be selected for publication in the 
main volume of the conference proceedings, to be published by Springer, 
in the LNAI series. The remaining accepted papers will be published in 
local workshop proceedings, in hard-copy, in CD-ROM and in the web.

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Received on Saturday, 21 May 2005 20:55:14 UTC