Problem link from smil-presentation to html-document

I have made link from smil-presentation to html-document using area-element. Link has open a html-page to the same realplayer growing the window size.
When I test it whit RealOne link is working ok.

Now I tested the same smil-presentation whit a new real v10 mediaplayer. Link grow the size of the player in a same way like in the RealOne, but html-page didn't open Butt instead window in black opend.

Here is the area-code I used:

<text src="card.rt" region="card" fill="freeze" begin="4">
<area href="cards/filp.html" actuate="onRequest" external="true" rn:sendTo="_rpcontextwin" sourcePlaystate="play">
<rn:param name="width" value="275"/>
<rn:param name="height" value="504"/>

Could anyone help whit this problem?

Thank you!
Tuomas Kärsämä

 MTV3 Laajakaista - Hauskemman elämän puolesta.

Received on Friday, 10 September 2004 14:21:30 UTC