customTest and SMIL validation

Hello all,

I'm trying to validate a small SMIL file that has some customTest elements
which are referred by a customTest attribute. Validation is done by using
the DTD W3C provided and by an XML validator tool (XMLSpy).

According to the W3C Spec (Content Control Module 4.3.2):
"The syntax of the customTest [attribute] is defined as list of customTest
element identifier references, separated by the '+' character"

But the DTD defines the customTest attribute as an IDREF
(smil-attribs-1.mod). As such, the DTD allows only one (and exactly one)
element identifier reference.

Thus validating a SMIL document that contains multiple customTests
references in one single customTest attribute fails!

--e.g. (reduced example)--

	<customTest id="testA" title="Test A" defaultState="true"/>
	<customTest id="testB" title="Test B" defaultState="true"/>
		<video src="movie" customTest="testA + testB"/>

If in the example above the customTest attribute is replace with 
this SMIL document will validate, but we want to express that "movie" is
available only if testA AND testB are true.

Have I overlooked something?
Can I circumvent the problem somehow?
Is the DTD that W3C provider incorrect? And if so, does anybody have a
suggestion how to change it such that it resembles the specification?

Any feedback is appreciated!

Kind regards,
	Robbie De Sutter

Robbie De Sutter
Multimedia Lab
Dept. of Electronics and Information Systems
Ghent University
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
B-9000 Ghent

Phone   +32 9 264 89 08
Fax     +32 9 264 35 94

Received on Thursday, 8 April 2004 11:17:52 UTC