Re: SMIL text formatting


> The player doesn't support text formatting using the
> <param/> 
> element.
> (It simply skips the <param/> elements, and displays non-formatted text.
> That's also the behaviour of the "old" RealOne v1 player)

Actually, X-Smiles supports the param element, however, the values differ from 
those of RealOne. I thought the params used by the RealOne player were Real's 
proprietary features, so X-Smiles does not use the same names (who knows if 
they have some patents or whatever for their extensions).

The params supported by X-Smiles are (the colors are CSS color values):

 <text src="data:,Some_TEXT">
 	<param name="bg-color" value="white"/>
 	<param name="color" value="red"/>
 	<param name="family" value="Arial"/>
 	<param name="size" value="6"/>

compared to the RealOne player:
> Example:
> --8<-- snip snip ------------------
> <text src="data:,Some_TEXT">
> 	<param name="backgroundColor" value="WHITE"/>
> 	<param name="fontColor" value="RED"/>
> 	<param name="fontFace" value="Arial"/>
> 	<param name="fontWeight" value="bold"/>
> 	<param name="fontStyle" value="italic"/>
> 	<param name="fontSize" value="6"/>
> 	<param name="hAlign" value="right"/>
> 	<param name="vAlign" value="top"/>
> </text>
> --8<-- snip snip ------------------
> Note:
> When using the "data" protocol for the URI in the "src" attribute value
> (inline text),
> all space " " characters must be replaced by "%20" if the file is to be
> played in
> RealOne player. The player accepts spaces in the inline
> text, 
> but it unfortunately
> doesn't convert "%20" as a space character when found.
> (That's why the provided example uses the underscore "_" character, so
> that the
> text looks the same from one player to the other)

You are right, perhaps this will be fixed in the next release of X-Smiles :)

 - Kari

Received on Thursday, 3 July 2003 02:32:08 UTC