HTML+TIME attribute targetElement treats ID value incorrect.

MS HTML+TIME implementation has an attribute "targetElement" to reference an
other element by ID.

I am conviced that this ID value  should be treated case-sensitive, however,
it is treating the value cas-INsensitive.

Although, a first reaction from the Microsoft SMIL team  was that the
implementation is correct in handling it case-insensitive, I do not agree.

Clearly, the HTML4.01 standard defines the id value to be case-senstive.
Even Internet Explorer 6 set to standards compliant mode is treating the ID
value as case-sensitive, but not the TIME2 behavior implmentation for

Although it is a MS proprietary attribute, I would appreciate some comment.

William A Slabbekoorn

Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2003 10:32:53 UTC