Errata for SMIL2.0, SMIL Animation - offset-value attribute value grammar

The syntax of the offset-value token in SMIL Animation (Section 3.6.7) and SMIL 2.0 Timing Module (Section 10.3.1, under Timing attribute value grammars) is ambiguous. At present, it is specified as (which, by the way, doesn’t have matched parens in either of these sections):


offset-value   ::= (( S <>  "+" | "-" S <>  )? ( Clock-value )


It should be specifed as:


offset-value   ::= ( S <>  ("+" | "-") S <>  )? ( Clock-value )


since one might interpret the former (incorrectly) as either ( optional LWSP followed by “+” ) or ( “-“ followed by optional LWSP ), rather than the correct: optional LWSP followed by ( “+” or “-“ ) followed by optional LWSP.



Glenn Adams



Received on Sunday, 1 December 2002 22:55:26 UTC