- From: Timothy Partridge <tpartrid@mitra.com>
- Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2002 10:35:16 -0400
- To: <www-smil@w3.org>
I have added some very basic smil to an HTML page to make it dynamic. I want to put that code into a separate file (backgroundColor.smil) and include it instead of embedding it in my HTML page. Is this possible? I've looked all over the net and I can't find very much information on smil used as DHTML. My HTML looks like the following: <html xmlns:smil="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time"> <head> <!-- Set up framework for smil --> <style> smil\:* { behavior:url(#default#time2) } time:* { behavior:url(#default#time2) } </style> </head> <body> <div><p id="serverStatusTitle" style="background-color:">Server Status</p></div> <smil:seq begin="serverStatusTitle.onmouseover"> <smil:animateColor targetElement="serverStatusTitle" attributeName="background-color:#4682b4;" attributeType="CSS" values="#4682b4;#5cacee;" dur="0.5s" autoreverse="true" /> </smil:seq> </body> </html>
Received on Monday, 8 July 2002 10:35:17 UTC