Hi Everyone,

Trying to play a SMIL 2 presentation from an HTTP server, I have a
couple of examples I'd like to share.
The Presentation is about 1MB in size and 1 minute long.

RealOne Player test:

The audio and images are prefetched.

Copy and paste link to RealOne player. 
Be aware that once the prefetched media is played,
replaying requires re-prefetching. 
Seems to work most of the time, looks good in the theater mode (f9).

IE 6 HTML+SMIL test:

Same presentation, except I used frames to create a centered root layout
This way I can use absolute positioning for the images.
The audio and images start off in a seq container playing for only .01
seconds just to get
them preloaded, using clipBegin to last part of the audio, to get that

Cool thing about IE's SMIL 2, once it cached the media, replaying
doesn't mean reloading

Take Care,
Jose Ramirez

Dreaming of the day when the Web evolves to the SMIL stage

Received on Thursday, 4 October 2001 18:00:48 UTC