X-Smiles 0.40 with SMIL 2.0 Basic

The X-Smiles team is proud to present a brand new version 0.4 "Tornio" 
of the Java-based XML browser X-Smiles! It is now downloadable at
http://www.x-smiles.org/ .

The version has a SMIL 2.0 Basic Profile player (beta version). 
Many features are enhanced and updated from the previous 
SMIL 1.0 player, including:
(see http://www.xsmiles.org/xsmiles_features.html for details)

 * better support for timing (repeatCount and repeatDur)
 * better support for test attributes
 * better error handling
 * support for experimental SMIL-DOM
 * experimental scripting via SMIL-DOM
 + in near future full support for SMIL 2.0 Basic profile
 + will also be expanded with other SMIL 2.0 modules

The player is integrated in the X-Smiles browser. It can also
be run as a standalone player, or as an independent Java component:
(for full example see http://www.xsmiles.org/xsmiles_smil.html)

import fi.hut.tml.xsmiles.mlfc.smil.viewer.swing.JSMILPlayer;
public void test() {

  // Create the SMIL player with a filename (could also be URL)
  JSMILPlayer smil = new JSMILPlayer();
  if (smil.init(filename) == false)
    System.out.println("ERROR initializing "+filename);

  // Create a frame and add the SMIL component to it
  JFrame frame = new JFrame("Simple SMIL player");
  frame.getContentPane().add(smil, BorderLayout.CENTER);

  // Start the SMIL presentation

Other X-Smiles 0.40 browser features are
(see http://www.x-smiles.org/release.txt for details):
 - Memory leaking problems fixed
 - XForms enhancements
 - Browser core enhancements
 - A better Digi-TV virtual prototype
 - ANT build / release environment
 - SIP bug fix
 - New demos
     The X-Smiles Team

Received on Tuesday, 4 September 2001 04:39:15 UTC