buttons in SMIL files don't work for embedded player


I'm trying to have an image inside a SMIL file to "refresh" or play a
new SMIL file in an embedded RealPlayer.
This code works when I open the RealPlayer by itself, but doesn't work
when I embed it in a web page.

Here's the code that I'm using:
            <root-layout background-color="black" width="650"
height="400" />
     <region id="background" z-index="1" left="0" top="0" width="650"
height="400" />
            <region id="VideoWindow" z-index="2" left="11" top="107"
width="176" height="144" />
<region id="images" z-index="2" left="198" top="14" width="440"
height="330" />
     <region id="final" z-index="2" left="0" top="0" width="650"
height="400" />
            <region id="demobutton" z-index="2" left="10" top="250"
width="67" height="30" />
            <region id="refreshbutton" z-index="2" left="100" top="251"
width="96" height="28" />
  <img region="final" src="_rpg2_intro_slide.jpg?duration=0:03"/>
  <!-- This sets the switch element for multiple delivery types-->
<par system-bitrate="185000">
<!--RealPlayers with 200kbps or faster connections will launch this
<img region="background" src="realpresenter_bg1.jpg?reliable=true"
fill="freeze" />
<video region="VideoWindow" src="rtsp://......./video.rm" fill="freeze"
<a href="command:openwindow(_self, rtsp://.....demo.smi)">
<img src="demobutton.jpg" region="demobutton" fill="freeze"/>
<a href="command:openwindow(_self, rtsp://......./new.smi)">
<img src="refreshbutton.jpg" region="refreshbutton" fill="freeze"/>
<ref region="images" src="rtsp://.....Live.rp" fill="freeze" />

Why doesn't it work in an embedded player? What should I do to make this

Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2001 10:10:45 UTC