Re: screen size

"Reinier de Vlaam (ELN)" a écrit :

> Hi
> I have a question about the switch with "systemScreenSize". I can make
> a selection based on the screen width but I can not change to root-layout.
> I tried it with
> <layout>
>         <root-layout height="512" width="768" systemScreenSize="550x800"/>
>         <root-layout height="200" width="300" systemScreenSize="200x300"/>
>         <region id="Picture_Region" left="0" top="0" height="512" width="768" z-index="0"/>
>             <region id="Small_Region" left="0" top="0" height="200" width="300" z-index="0"/>
> </layout>
> but this resulted in a small (200x300) screen size always (my screensize is 768x1024).
> Is this caused by the Grins player for 2.0 or something of SMIL 2.0
> Can anybody tell me how the definition for different screen sizes has to be made?
> e
> Reinier de Vlaam
> System engineer Interactive Messaging Solutions
> Ericsson Eurolab Netherlands, dpt ELN/Z/B
> Ericssonstraat 2
> 5121ML Rijen, Netherlands
> tel: +31 (0)161-249409, ECN 8309409
> email:

Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2000 17:35:25 UTC