Upcoming SMIL Tutorials

There are two upcoming SMIL tutorials held by the staff at CWI.  One
is to be held at WWW9 (http://www9.org/) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
on May 15th, and the other is to be held at the Hypertext 2000 and
Digital Libraries 2000 conferences (http://www.ht00.org/home.html) in
San Antonio, Texas on May 30th or 31st.  For more information on this
CWI SMIL Tutorial series, see the series page at



Lloyd Rutledge  vox: +31 20 592 41 27       fax: +31 20 592 41 99
CWI             net: Lloyd.Rutledge@cwi.nl  Web: http://www.cwi.nl/~lloyd
Post:   PO Box 94079   |  NL-1090 GB Amsterdam  |  The Netherlands
Street: Kruislaan 413  |  NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam  |  The Netherlands

Received on Wednesday, 9 February 2000 11:23:07 UTC