Re: Start of Audio file

Hi Patrick -

I'll check this
out asap I'm back from:

15.45 Uhr –16.15 Uhr
Referat 2I, Solutions Track
MPEG Tower: Streaming Live with Linux
Henning Timcke, Ideen Werft22 GmbH

16.30 Uhr – 17.15 Uhr
Panelsession mit IBM, Corel, Redhat, Intel, CERN,
Compaq, Dell, SFI, Revi, /ch/open, Veritas, Apache, Werft22, Bison u.a.
Leitung: Pierre Brun, PricewaterhouseCoopers

17.15 Uhr – 19.00 Uhr
Linux-Apéro Apéro-Sponsor: Oracle und PricewaterhouseCoopers

We are building a new site containing the talk to be given tomorrow

You may take a look at it's progress here:

What we discover is the following:

Setting 1: NT 4.0 WS, Dual Pentium III 500 MHZ, , 512 MB RAM, Matrox
M400 32 MB, IE 5.0 or Netscape 4.73, okay code embedded in HTML works,
according to RealSDK and SMIL.

Setting 2: NT 4.0 Server Dual Pentium III 500 MHZ, , 256 MB RAM, Matrox
M400 32 MB, IE 5.0 or Netscape 4.73, code embedded in HTML crashes IE
5.0 and does not support "fill".

Setting 3: W '98 Pentium II 400 MHZ, , 128 MB RAM, Matrox M400 32 MB, IE
5.0 or Netscape 4.73, code embedded crashes IE 5.0 and does not support

Sometime IE 5 just crashes one Window, sometimes it's gone completly,
RealPlayer still running.

You can look at the user.dmp, if this might be of interest

We only experience this with mulitple mpx-files, not with smaller

We could discuss to open source the mpx files we use for testing as we
currently own all the legal rights, this would allow to test other
system settings with the same data.

Why do we use IE 5 at all: because it's CSS implementation is currently

HTML & Time is definitifely not what we are looking for, I'd rather like
to point at timing marks within a mulitmedia file by a similar construct
as with Xlink, where start and stop points would act like Xlink for
static content, so the timing structure can be described in XML as well
and the XML describing the time structure itself could reside outside
the presentation part residing within SMIL,
linked into SMIL by XInclude. This would allow authoring independent
from monomedia dataformats,
as time is the same for all of them, no matter if the content is stored
as mpx or avi or whatever.

Maybe you have already layed out the framework within the newest SMIL
draft, I just had not them time right now to read it completly.


Patrick Schmitz wrote:
> Hi Henning -
> A couple of things:
> IE5 supports HTML+TIME as originally submitted to W3C. It does not support
> SMIL language documents, or SMIL Boston's HTML+SMIL. I would not expect it
> to gag on the SMIL doc as you describe, but will pass this along to the
> browser team.
> IE 5.5 support for HTML+TIME includes most of the features in the latest
> working draft of the HTML+SMIL language profile of SMIL Boston. The
> HTML+SMIL language profile is the integration of SMIL Timing, media, content
> control, transitions etc. with XHTML. As such, HTML is the host language
> (i.e. the top level element is HTML and not SMIL), and HTML/CSS does the
> layout. Otherwise, the media and timing syntax looks the same.
> See also:
> and
> The syntax example you included below should be supported in SMIL language
> players.
> Patrick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Henning Timcke []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 7:36 AM
> To: Patrick Schmitz
> Cc:;
> Subject: Re: RE: Start of Audio file
> We have tried this aout with IE5 and discover strange behaviour and
> Dr.Watson events with the following code
> <smil>
>    <head>
>       <DEFANGED_meta name="title" content="Sdream"/>
>       <DEFANGED_meta name="copyright" content = "Henning Timcke, Ideen Werft22 GmbH
> 1989 - 2000"/>
>   <layout>
>          <root-layout height="512" width="640" background-color="#ffffff"
> />
>        <region id="video" z-index="2" left="0" top="0" width="640"
> height="512" fit="fill"/>
> </layout>
>    </head>
>    <body>
>      <par>
>   <video src="../mpeg/sdream_nosound.mpg"  clip-begin="00.00s" clip-
> end="6.35s" region="video" fill="freeze" />
>         <audio id="04track4" src="../mp3/04. track4.mp3" begin="00.00s"
> end="06.35s"/>
>  <audio id="05track5" src="../mp3/05. track5.mp3" end="06.35s"/>
>  <audio id="01track1" src="../mp3/01. track1.mp3" begin="03.00s"
> end="6.35s"/>
>    </par>
>    </body>
> </smil>
> Am Tue Jun 27 14:33:09 2000 schrieb Patrick Schmitz
> <>
>  >See the clipBegin attribute defined in the media module:
>  >
> clipBegin
>  >Patrick
>  >-----Original Message-----
>  >From: Thierry MICHEL []
>  >Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2000 4:50 PM
>  >To:
>  >Subject: Start of Audio file
>  >Is it possible to start the playback of an audio file (MP3!) immediately
>  >from somewhere in the middle using SMIL?
>  >F.e. with Quicktime 4 I could use STARTTIME and ENDTIME.
>  >With SMIL, if I use  begin="10s" I will have to wait 10s until the audio
>  >file starts to play.
>  > Johann
> --
> Henning Timcke <>

Received on Tuesday, 27 June 2000 14:33:35 UTC