Siteniz eklendi / your site was added to the search engine

(English below)
Sayfanizin ( az once Find-It! Arama programina kaydoldugunu
bilmek isteyeceginizi dusunduk.
Bundan sonra internet uzerinde arama yapanlar, sayfanizda
yer alan herhangi bir kelimeyi aradiginda, sizin sayfaniz da
Find-It!'in tavsiye ettigi sayfalar arasinda yer alacaktir.
Dilerseniz sitenizin ana sayfasina EgeNet Find-It ile ilgili bir link
koyabilirsiniz. Boylece sitenizi gezenler, sitenizin Find-It! araciligi ile
bulunabilecegini de hatirlamis olurlar. Size kolaylik olmasi acisindan,
Find-It!'in icon'unu bu mesaja ekliyorum, tabi dilediginiz baska bir icon
yada link kullanabilirsiniz.

Sitenizin promosyonunu isterseniz, EgeNet Find-It!'e Banner reklam vermek,
sadece ayda $50+KDV'dir. Ayrica "Gercek Isim" servisi ile sitenizin isminin
aramalarin basinda cikmasi icin ozel kelimeleri rezerve edebilirsiniz.
Bununla ilgili detayli bilgiyi
sayfasinda bulabilirsiniz, yada tabi adresine
email gonderip detayli bilgi alabilirsiniz.

(Find-It! sitenizi dolastikca veya guncelledikce bu tip emailler
alabilirsiniz. Bu mesajlari almamayi tercih ederseniz, adresine bir email atiniz. Mesajin icerigi
onemli degildir. Bu gibi mesajlara "bogulmamaniz" icin gunde size en fazla
1 email gonderilecektir - o gun bircok web sayfaniz eklense bile.)

Sayfanizin su anda nerede gorundugunu gormek isterseniz, sayfanizda yer
alan bir kelime secin, ve adresine baglanip
bu kelimeyi kutuya yazin. Bildigi web sitelerinden arayip sizin siteniz
dahil olmak uzere bulduklarini gosterecektir.

Ilginize tesekkur eder, saygilar sunariz.

Not: Ekteki resmi web sayfaniza katmaniz icin gereken kod asagidadir:
  <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="find_it.gif" BORDER=0>
  EgeNet Find-It!</A>

 Sorry for the intrusion; we thought you might be interested in finding out
that the Find-It! search engine has just visited and indexed your web page.
Now, visitors from everywhere can search for any words mentioned in your
web page, and they will see your page listed as amongst one of the
suggested sites.

 In order to remind your visitors that they can find your web site in the
future via Find-It!, you may want to add a Find-It! link to your web pages.
I am enclosing an icon you may want to use; or of course,feel free to
'snatch' any other pictures from Find-It!'s web pages instead!

If you'd like a banner ad, we only charge $50+sales tax for a month of
display. You can also use our "True Name" feature to register specific
keywords regarding your company or products, so that these are displayed
predominantly when someone searches for those keywords. Please write to for more details.

(Note: As more and more of your site is visited, you may get repeated
emails from our web crawler. If you prefer NOT to receive any such
messages, please send an email to  (message
content does not matter, and our server will stop sending you
notifications. In order to prevent "drowning" you in email, Find-It! is
programmed to only send you up to ONE email per day, regardless of how many
of your web pages it visits that day.)

If you'd like to see how your page is displayed, choose a word from your
page, connect to  and enter that word in the
search box. Find-It! will then search the whole database and pull our all
matching sites; including yours.

We thank you for your time.

PS: If you choose to put a link to Find-It!, here is the HTML code you
would need for it:
  <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="find_it.gif" BORDER=0>
  EgeNet Find-It!</A>

Received on Wednesday, 1 September 1999 02:46:41 UTC