Your recent press release...

World Wide Web Consortium Issues First Working Draft of SMIL Boston

We just came across the above press announcement.
 You are probably familiar with traditional clipping services that
 monitor newspapers and magazines for mention of your product, brand, or
 service.  Public relations and marketing professionals  use these services to
 measure public opinion and evaluate the effectiveness of their campaign. 
 Until now, there has been no effective way to evaluate public opinion in
 cyberspace.  Nonetheless, monitoring the Internet has become a necessary part 
 of managing an effective PR or marketing campaign.
 We are writing to let you know about an extraordinary new clipping service
 designed to monitor the World Wide Web, Usenet discussion groups, and Online
 news sources.  This service is called  Designed to work as a
 complimentary tool with traditional clipping services, ensures
 that you are monitoring the fastest growing form of media in the world. is the only service that tracks for you, on an ongoing basis,
 how and where your product is mentioned on the Internet.  This tracking
 incorporates Web sites indexed by search engines, over 650 top news sites on the
 Web, and Usenet discussion groups.  All clippings are included in our affordable
 flat rate price.  We compile all of your clips into an easy to read format
 using our Smart Abstract (tm) technology, and make them available to you at a 
 password protected web site.
 We believe that we have developed a revolutionary product that provides
 tremendous value for companies and individuals who are concerned about where
 and when they are discussed on the Web.  If you fall within this group, we
 urge you to contact us.
 If you have additional questions, we would also be delighted to talk with you
 about them.
 Thank you for taking the time to read this message.
 Best regards,
 The WebClipping Team
 (212) 260-6627

Received on Wednesday, 4 August 1999 01:44:08 UTC