Engineering Software Invitation

Dear Engineering Software Prospective Web Site Visitor:

Engineering Software is proud to be one stop source for energy conversion 
systems (power and propulsion) software and books!

Engineering Software would like to invite you to visit our web site and join 
our new mailing service powered by "ListBot".

Here at Engineering Software, we have developed a new Windows based product 
line that quickly, easily and reliably calculates, saves and retrieves your 
critical engineering data/information.  With the help from the Engineering 
Software product line, you can calculate thermodynamic and transport 
properties of gaseous, liquid and solid species, steam approximations, 
analyze power cycles, power cycle components/processes and compressible flow.

We have created this computer package specifically for people who need to 
have quick access to reliable and important engineering data (physical 
properties) and be able to calculate and analyze power cycles, power cycle 
components/processes and compressible flow for various "WHAT IF" cases.

Key Engineering Software product line features include:

Thermodynamic and Transport Properties
 Temperature and Pressure (270 K < T < 5,000 K)
 Enthalpy and Pressure
 Entropy and Pressure

Steam Approximations
 Saturated Area (Temperature and Pressure Dependent)
 Superheated Area

Power Cycles
 Brayton (Power and Propulsion)
 Fuel Cell

Compressible Flow
 Velocity of Sound
 Mach Number
 Properties (Stagnation and Static)
 Normal Shock

American Hydrogen Association has fully endorsed the Engineering Software 
product line.

Engineering Software products are delivered to you with our "30 Day Money 
Back Guarantee" policy.  Academic, Government, network, multiple users and 
volume price discounts available!

Engineering Software products come with free technical and product support!

A free demo version of Energy Conversion 1.1 - A can be directly downloaded 
from our web site at:


Once again, Engineering Software would like to invite you to join our new 
newsletter/mailing service if you have not had a chance to do so yet.  Please 
go to our home page and scroll down to the bottom of the page, where our 
subscription box is located:

<A HREF=""></A>

Engineering Software is pleased to present the SciTech International --  <A 
HREF=""></A> -- engineering 
software and bookstore!


Engineering Software
Phone/FAX: (301) 540-3605
E-Mail: <A HREF=""></A>
Web Site: <A 

Let your colleagues know about the Engineering Software product line by 
passing this e-mail along to them!

To remove your e-mail address from our mailing list for promotional offers, 
send an e-mail to <A HREF=""></A> with 
the following Subject: "Remove"!

Received on Saturday, 24 July 1999 08:25:24 UTC