Re: Same SMIL source on different Players G2 and Soja

On 16/03/1999, Lloyd Rutledge <>  wrote:
>The main potential for incompatabilities lies not in the processing of
>SMIL but in the media types. 

True - unfortunately, the main construct to get around this (a switch
statement between differently encoded content) doesn't seem to work
reliably - see Jose's page (difficulties with .auz) 

>GRiNS does not process RealText, so I
>switched the text file names to the ASCII text files you provided.
>The text that GRiNS displays is larger in size than SOJA, so wider
>regions had to be used to make the text not wrap around. 

Sounds like things not interoperable to me - but i guess there's
no way around this particular problem, as you explain below

>The assumed
>size of text in SMIL presenations is not standardized,

And it shouldn't be 


>Perhaps HTML with
>detail font specificiation, or HTML with CSS with detail font
>specificiation would display non-ambiguously across platforms.

I would hope that this works.

Received on Saturday, 20 March 1999 16:55:34 UTC