RE: mime type

Assuming you're using the Real G2 system and wanting to
embed the smil presentation in a web page you'll need to do
these things.

The embed type is audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin -- for some reason
Real didn't set up their Netscape plugin to handle application/smil.
Explorer handles it just fine.

The MIME type to return from the CGI is application/smil though.

-----Original Message-----
From: Vikas Sodhani []
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 1999 9:49 AM
Subject: mime type

Hi, I am working on a project that dynamically creates a smil file based
on a users selections of videos.  I would like to be able to send the
smil file staright to the users browser by either specifying the mime
type or using an embed tag.  I tried specifying the mime type but that
does not seem to work.  I was wondering if there is some way to do it
using embed tags.  Right now I have to save the smil file in my real
server content directory and then redirect the html page to the smil
file.  I would like to just send it to the browser so that the files are
not saved on my machine.  Any help would be appreciated.


Vikas Sodhani

Received on Tuesday, 23 February 1999 15:48:35 UTC