GRiNS help please

Hello my name is marc, doing i final year study of GRiNS editor. I am New
and have a small problem
When I make any changes to the presentation and then view the source, it
is not updated. Thus I am the opinion that the presentation source is only
updated on a reload. 

I carried out an experiment by changing one of the GRINS template examples
and just saving it under another name. The grins editor makes multiple
changes to the program listing.
The line
<region title="image1" height="80%" id="image1" top="13%" width="65%"

on resave becomes

<region xmlns:GRiNS="" id="image1" title="image1"
left="144" top="52" width="390" height="320" GRiNS:type="image"/>

so the first thing I notice it has done is change all the percentages into
pixel measurements. It has also added the text
xmlns:GRiNS="" id="image1"  and GRiNS:type="image".

Also when I save on of my own presentations, the editor refuses to reload
any sync arcs meaning that I loose the temporal aspects of the
presentation each time I try to re-open it. I am also being given the
syntax error unknown attribute in tag, which
grins writes into the presentation itself.

Anyone  any ideas as to what I am doing wrong

Received on Tuesday, 22 June 1999 05:00:05 UTC