Re: detecting SMIL syntax errors

Hi Henning,

I cannot give responsible answers, these are merely my personal

On Fri, 30 Apr 1999 17:12:56 +0200
Henning Timcke <> wrote:

> From your point of view, who should take care of your considerations ?

To incorporate Philipp's idea into XML spec, some group or person must
propose it to the XML Syntax WG. I don't know who should do that. SYMM
WG or Philipp?  If the WG accept the proposal, they will discuss about
it, and finally it goes through (or is killed).

> And: how much additional work has to be done to meet your expectations ? 

The notion of SMIL validity is more than XML validity.  To express
the correct SMIL constraints, we should have more syntactical
facilities -- context sensitive content model (e.g. <switch>) is needed
as I mentioned, data-typing of attribute value (e.g. "begin" as a clock
value) is also required.  I believe the XML Schema WG will work out
the issues. By when? ... I cannot forecast.

Thank you,
HIYAMA Masayuki <>

Received on Monday, 3 May 1999 20:46:42 UTC