- From: Lo Stephan <Stephan.Lo@fh-joanneum.at>
- Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 14:24:59 +0100
- To: www-smil@w3.org
dear HELIO's I really appreciate your work and your documentational efforts (although I didn't get SOJA alpha 1 to work ...) but I HATE your announcements in advance (which is the policy from another well-known company, isn't it?) I'd recommend that you post your news AFTER things are done and we immediately can have a look at it! bye and looking forward to next SOJA (which long ago was announced for these days ...) stephan lo > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- > Von: herve_foucher@ds-fr.com [SMTP:herve_foucher@ds-fr.com] > Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 1998 13:45 > An: www-smil@w3.org > Cc: bram@vim.org; sven@vim.org > Betreff: The SMIL Tutorial > > > Paris, December 3rd 1998 > > > HELIO will release tomorrow THE SMIL TUTORIAL at > http://www.helio.org/products/smil/tutorial/ > > It will teach you the basics of the language > through step-by-step lessons. > > This tutorial is still under construction at > HELIO's. The last chapters are missing > but they will be soon completed and updated on > our site. > > The HTML was generated with the help of vim > (http://www.vim.org/) which has powerful > syntax highlighting features: we used the smil.vim > syntax file (http://www.helio.org/vim/syntax/smil.vim). > > In the weeks to come, the next version of the SOJA player > (BARBIZON) will be added in the tutorial in order to show the > examples on line. > > Please give us feedback at smil-tutorial@helio.org > > > Herve FOUCHER, HELIO > Herve.Foucher@helio.org >
Received on Thursday, 3 December 1998 08:37:13 UTC