- From: <terje@in-progress.com>
- Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 12:08:15 -0800
- To: www-smil@w3.org
At 9:31 AM 10/14/98, Just SMIL News wrote: > >According to emediaweekly, streaming media was the hit of the show at last >week's Internet World NYC. Macintosh users will be happy to hear that >RealNetworks will ship the complete multiplatform G2 suite in December. >Digital Renaissance promoted their T.A.G. Production Suite for G2. >Interaction Web Server Companion for Macintosh servers now supports SMIL. The links to the SMIL related stories in this issue of eMediaWeekly (former MacWeek) is: Interaction 2.1 gains support for SMIL http://www.emediaweekly.com/1998/10/12/interact.html Digital Renaissance tags multimedia content creation http://www.emediaweekly.com/1998/10/12/tag.html Multimedia rocks Internet World NYC http://www.emediaweekly.com/1998/10/12/inetworld.html -- Terje <Terje@in-progress.com> | Media Design in*Progress Software for Mac Web Professionals at <http://www.in-progress.com> C a s c a d e... a comprehensive Cascading Style Sheets editor XPublish - for efficient website publishing with XML Make your Web Site a Social Place with Interaction!
Received on Wednesday, 14 October 1998 14:57:16 UTC