On 08/10/1998, SHIBATA Seiki <>  wrote:

>Absolutely. Reusing clips for making big and/or complex clips is
>a background of my question.
>The inclusion of SMIL in SMIL is like the FRAMEs in HTML. I worry
>about the same problem as the FRAMEs. Jakob Nielsen described the
>problem with FRAMEs in his AlertBox

I don't think that the inclusion of SMIL in SMIL is like including
an HTML file within an HTML frame.

This is because Frames are not only a way to include HTML in 
HTML - they also change the user interface of the Web.

Nielsen's criticism of frames has to do with this change in
user interface, and more particularily with the fact that
frame-based web-sites are difficult to bookmark, difficult to 
print, are often not well implemented etc.

Including a SMIL file within another SMIL file does not have
this problem - it is completely transparent to the user, just
like including a RealText, RealPix, Quicktime or any other media

Received on Sunday, 11 October 1998 17:09:02 UTC