Just SMIL, SMILZone, Great SMIL

Just a quick FYI about Just SMIL, SMILZone, and Great SMIL.

The Just SMIL site (http://www.justsmil.com/) is just coming out of a major
site redesign. Some of you may have noticed that news updates were few and
far between while I worked on the site. The site is database driven now so
I have more wiggle room as SMIL grows in popularity. Just SMIL is also
beginning to run original content. The site is still a little buggy but
things should settle in by late in the week.

SMILZone (http://www.smilzone.com/) has been up for a couple of weeks but I
haven't pushed it until now.  SMILZone is a Web based SMIL discussion forum
that replaces the rather antiquated forum that used to run on the old Just
SMIL site. The software will let you know what messages were posted in the
last 1-5 days. Please stop by and visit. Registration is not required but
it will put you on the Just SMIL mailing list.

Barring another drive crash, Great SMIL (http://www.greatsmil.com/) should
be opening shortly. Great SMIL is a gallery of SMIL sites. Look at it as a
Yahoo of SMIL. The best SMIL will be rated and a great SMIL will be
featured every couple of weeks or so. Since the goal of the site is to
encourage SMIL craftsmanship, sites that wish to be featured will be asked
to submit SMIL text source files for public display. While high bandwidth
examples will be accepted, I'm also going to lean the site toward examples
that will run on 28.8. If you would like to submit a your SMIL work, please
let me know at GreatSMIL@WebPhD.com.

That's it for now! Thanks for your time.


Tim Kennedy

Just SMIL http://JustSMIL.com/
WebPHD http://WebPhD.com/
OnlineDelivery http://OnlineDelivery.com/

Received on Wednesday, 26 August 1998 06:37:11 UTC