Re: Spatially overlapping media

On 22/08/1998, "Chase D. Garfinkle" <>  wrote:
>I am interested in displaying multiple media streams which overlap both 
>spatially and temporally, for example video playing within a video, where 
>the two video streams have different sources.  While I can't find anything 
>in the SMIL 1.0 spec to preclude doing this, I also can't find any 
>specification of the semantics for multiple layers of media.  So, can this 
>be done?  If so, is there a way to control the order of layering?

yes, use the z-index attribute in the region element

layering videos on top of each other should be no problem

you might even be able to do without this, because by default, the video
that starts later will be "on top"

Received on Saturday, 22 August 1998 20:13:35 UTC