Upcoming SMIL Tutorials


The CWI SMIL tutorial will be given at MetaStructures 98 on Monday,
August 17th in Montreal, Canada.  For more information see the
MetaStructures 98 website at


Also presented at MetaStructures 98 is the tutorial "The Use of
Existing Public Domain Standards and Tools for Adaptive Hypermedia",
which discusses SMIL and its use with some related standards in a
hypermedia environment.  This tutorial is also being presented at ACM
Multimedia 98 on Sunday, September 13th in Bristol, England.  For more
information see the ACM Multimedia 98 website at


Upcoming CWI SMIL and SMIL-related tutorials and presentations are
listed at on the CWI SMIL page at


Lloyd Rutledge                                         vox: +31 20 592 41 27
CWI (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica)             fax: +31 20 592 41 99
Kruislaan 413,  NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands  net: lloyd@cwi.nl
P.O. Box 94079, NL-1090 GB Amsterdam, The Netherlands  http://www.cwi.nl/~lloyd

Received on Tuesday, 28 July 1998 11:00:24 UTC