RealFlash as an interface

Can someone point me in the general direction of some documentation on
how to use RealFlash in my SMIL presentation as an interface.  I am
having considerable difficulty getting Flash to work at all.  I think my
problem with getting it to display is that it is currently a flat
interface, that is to say only 1 frame long.  I haven't had a chance to
test this yet, though.  The other thing that I really need help with is
how I go about using the Flash as my interface.  I want to be able to
switch to different parts of the presentation from inside of Flash, and
also have the SMIL presentation be able to inform the Flash where in the
sequence it is at so that the Flash can reflect the current state of the
presentation.  Is there any documentation available on this kind of
Flash usage in SMIL?  If not, is there anyone else out there who has
worked with this sort of thing that might be able to give me a hand? 

Received on Tuesday, 30 June 1998 15:02:57 UTC