Re: Why SMIL technology will prevail over competing methods?

Rob Lanphier wrote:
> Once again, we're interested in your thoughts on this.  Ya can't have it
> both ways (*I* get to "view source", but no one else gets to)  :)

	Well, after some consideration, I am more in the "information wants to
be free" thought train than anything else.  As such, I would rather have
the SMIL source viewable.  Our streamable stuff would still be protected
from anything except cross-linking, and that I imagine we can protect
against by something along the lines of setting the server to only
service the request if the referring agent is on the same network.

> I'm sure there are lots of W3C members and staff lurking on this list
> trying to decide what's needed.  The Preview Release of RealSystem G2 gives
> you a taste for the sorts of HTML/SMIL integration that's possible, which
> lets you leverage the Java/JavaScript/VBScript capabilities of the browser
> while using the synchronization capabilities of RealSystem/SMIL.  If you
> get a chance, play around with this stuff.  I don't have any good demos to
> point you at now, but we're always at work on these things, and so look for
> something in the not too distant future.

	I am going to be making a presentation on SMIL's capabilities on
01Jul98, and am working on my demo right now.  I am going to incorporate
RealFlash, RealAudio, and RealText.  My big question is this... I have
heard the difference between old RealAudio and the new one, and am
flabbergasted.  I would prefer to use the new RealAudio, since I
honestly consider it to be a big bonus, but can't find anything to
encode for G2 Real Audio.  Being as your e-mail address includes the
words real and com in it, I figure you should be the one to tell me
"Bugger off, we're not givin' it away yet."  Or something.  heheheheheh

Received on Monday, 22 June 1998 15:57:43 UTC