Re: Why SMIL technology will prevail over competing methods?


At 07:21 PM 6/21/98 +0900, Avaro Olivier wrote:
>1. Once the standard really take off and people make serious content,
>how many will really use the text source ? It seems to me that yes,
>having a text format is an advantage, but probably not as much as there
>seems to be an agreement on this list. People will use SMIL editors and
>will want to forget about the text encoding format as soon as possible.
>Comments ?

I'm not sure that this is true.  While many people do use HMTL editors,
most professionals I know still prefer to program web pages using a good
code editor most of the time; particularly when the hand-coded HTML ends up
in part of a dynamically created website engine..  HTML tools have their
place and can sometimes be easier, but editing by hand is still very
widespread and important.

A huge part of the attraction of SMIL, for me, is the ability to edit by
simply changing a few characters using an editor, rather than having to
open up some huge, monolithic native app and find the right icon to drag or
the right dialog to open.  


Larry Bouthillier --
Head of Multimedia Production
Harvard Business School

Received on Monday, 22 June 1998 15:24:38 UTC