Re: Is there some generic object model for multimedia objects?

On Jun 11, 20:28, Rolande Kendal wrote:
>Subject: Is there some generic object model for multimedia objects?
> Is there some generic object model for multimedia objects (I'm a dreamer
> right)?
> Like the DOM is for Web documents, is there a multimedia object model that
> exposes the commonality amoungst the various multimedia object types?

Since SMIL documents are also Web documents, and DOM has an interface to XML
documents like SMIL, you can use DOM to interface SMIL documents.
Ofcourse, DOM does not provide you any multimedia specific functionality.
But it does provide you a generic object model to tree structured documents, so
if your documents are tree structured too, this might be a start.

> I would like to wrap the various multimedia objects in a generic interface.
> To what degree I'm not sure, but this must have been done before.

You might want to have a look at the object models defined by ISO standards
such as MHEG-5 or PREMO for more multimedia specific models.

Hope this helps, Jacco

Jacco van Ossenbruggen             Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science            Vrije Universiteit, de Boelelaan 1081a      1081 HV Amsterdam (fax: +31 20 44 47653)

Received on Friday, 12 June 1998 04:06:49 UTC