SMIL Standard


	I was told that this was an address to which I could send
comments regarding the proposed SMIL standard.  I am a software engineer
who is currently working on a project to stream the audio output from
multiple radio receivers across a network in real-time.  I am working
with the RealMedia SDK.  I was reading the SMIL documentation on the W3C
website and found that it was missing a piece that we desire.  We would
like to allow the users of our system to be able to listen to two
receivers simulaneously.  We can do that with the SMIL element "par".
We would also like to allow the users to specify which receiver is
played into which stereo channel.  That is not supported by SMIL.  It
mentioned that SMIL is a subset of the visual rendering model of the
CSS2 specification, however, when I read the CSS2 specifications, I
found that it had an aural rendering model as well.  Why were the audio
layout specifications deprecated?  It would make our development easier
as well as increase our system performance if we could put the aural
layout information into the SMIL file.  Are there any plans to include
this in near future releases of the specification?

Ted Weiler

|	Ted Weiler
|	Software Engineer
|	Codem Systems, Inc.
|	7 Executive Park Drive
|	Merrimack, NH 03054
|	ph: (603)429-0111 x-515
|	fax: (603)429-0155

Received on Thursday, 11 June 1998 09:06:20 UTC