whenToUseGet, test licensing, and the RDF validator

I'm composing an RFE that involves running the RDF validator
on my homepage... I can't bookmark the results because
it seems to use POST. ew.

Perhaps the reason is
 "- I grant the W3C permission to save this RDF and to use it for
developing test cases"

which can't be done with GET.

I suggest moving the "I grant permission..." box to the results
page, ala...

  If these results are surprising or seem to be incorrect,
  you may ask that we investigate.

  [ ] I grant the W3C permission

  additional comments: ____

  [Request Investigation]

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/
D3C2 887B 0F92 6005 C541  0875 0F91 96DE 6E52 C29E

Received on Tuesday, 22 February 2005 17:55:28 UTC