Empty - YES EMPTY Inkjet and Toner Cartridges are Valuable

Laserxchange will pay up to £6.00 for an empty toner cartridge  
                    and up to £1.50 for empty inkjets. Who can benefit.

Laserxchange will pay direct to the bank account of: -

• Your Organisation.
• The Charity of your choice.
• Your Local School, Scout Group, Sports /  Social Club.
• Any Fundraising Project 


You may be surprised to know that in the UK alone 7,000,000 empty toner cartridges 
and 30,000,000 empty inkjet cartridges are thrown in the rubbish every year. 
Besides not being environmentally friendly this is such a waste as many of 
these empties can be remanufactured to an as new condition.

For 10 years Laserxchange has been the leading remanufacturer in the UK and 
are proud to have donated over  £150,000 last year to various charity fundraisers. 

What you can do.

If you have influence in the disposal of empty printer cartridges please ring 
01873 859 901 to request an information pack and discuss our free collection 
service. You can reply to this email or contact louise@laserxchange.co.uk  

Please talk to your friends and colleagues about our work and forward this 
email to all likely donors or fundraisers. 

You can find out more at our web site www.laserxchange.co.uk/chargen 

Start Collecting Now and make a note of our direct line 01873 859 901

Kind Regards 

Louise Gready

Laserxchange, Surebasic Limited, Units 2-3 Castle Meadows Park, Abergavenny, 
Monmouthshire.  NP7 7RZ

Switchboard: +44(0)1873 852 663  Fax: +44(0)1873 859 128

Email: louise@laserxchange.co.uk

Please visit our websites at www.laserxchange.co.uk ; www.cartridgecare.co.uk ; 

You can buy 24 hours x 7 days through our factory outlet stores: www.toners-direct.co.ukwww.cartridgelink.co.ukwww.bigrom.co.ukwww.beachdirect.co.ukwww.zevat.com

You can link to all of these sites from our portal www.surebasic.co.uk


Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2001 14:26:55 UTC