ICDM 2016: Call for Workshop Proposals

The 16th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (IEEE ICDM 2016)
invites proposals for half- or full-day workshops to be held on December
12, 2016. Workshops are expected to focus on new research directions on,
and novel applications of, data mining. Each workshop will solicit papers
for peer review. Furthermore, as in previous years, papers that are not
accepted by the main conference will be automatically sent to the workshop
selected by the authors when the papers were submitted to the main
conference. By the unique ICDM tradition, all accepted workshop papers will
be published in a formal proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society Press.
Workshop proposals should be submitted in plain text or PDF, by email to
Workshop Chairs, Carlotta Domeniconi (cdomenic@gmu.edu) and Francesco Gullo
(gullof@acm.org), and must include the following elements:

   - Title and acronym of the workshop
   - Duration (full-day or half-day)
   - Description of the workshop topic, and a draft version of CFP (not
   exceeding 500 words)
   - Short description on how the organizers plans to attract quality
   - Preliminary list of invited speakers (if any)
   - Past records (if any)
   - Short bio of the organizers
   - Tentative program committee
   - Contact information of the organizers (including name, affiliation,
   mailing address, and e-mail address)

After a workshop proposal is accepted, the organizers should create a Web
page for the workshop and notify the workshop chairs of its URL. The main
conference web site will provide a link to each workshop.
Important Dates

*All deadlines are at 11:59PM Pacific Daylight Time.*

   - April 1, 2016: Workshop proposal due
   - April 29, 2016: Notification
   - May 13, 2016: Each workshop organizer sends out Call for Workshop
   - August 12, 2016: Due date for full workshop papers
   - September 13, 2016: Notification of workshop papers acceptance to
   - September 20, 2016: Camera-ready deadline for accepted papers
   - December 12, 2016: Workshop date

Workshop Co-Chairs

   - Carlotta Domeniconi <cdomenic@gmu.edu> (George Mason University, USA)
   - Francesco Gullo <gullof@acm.org> (UniCredit R&D, Italy)

Received on Sunday, 14 February 2016 09:34:58 UTC