[CFP] The 5th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST 2015)
AlCoB 2015: presentation of work in progress
Deadline approaching: 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Formal Methods Integration - FMi 2015
IEEE ICDM 2015 Call for Papers (Due Jun 3)
InfoSec 2015: registration deadline 3 May
Int. Congress on Systems Immunology, Immunoinformatics & Immune-Computation - CfP ICSI^3 2015 - submission deadline: April 28, 2015
Int. Workshop on Machine learning, Optimization & big Data - MOD 2015 Call for Papers - Paper submission deadline: April 15, 2015
SLSP 2015: 1st call for papers
Last message date: Tuesday, 28 April 2015 01:39:44 UTC