- From: Jingrui He <jingrui.he@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 01:00:54 -0500
- To: Jingrui He <jingrui.he@gmail.com>
################################## Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals ################################## The International Conference on Machine Learning solicits proposals for workshops and tutorials to be held in conjunction with the ICML 2013 conference in Atlanta, USA. This document contains instructions for how to propose a workshop (first section) and how to propose a tutorial (second section). Note that some due dates have been extended. ################################## Call for Workshop Proposals ################################## Proposals are solicited for workshops to be held in conjunction with ICML 2013. The workshops will be held on Thursday, June 20 and Friday June 21, 2013. These workshops present an excellent opportunity to address a specific machine-learning -related topic of your choice. We are looking for half-day, full-day, or two-day workshop proposals. Important dates •Workshop proposal deadline Jan 31, 2013 •Acceptance notification Feb 15, 2013 •Workshop submissions due Mar 15, 2013 (suggested date) •Workshop author notification Apr 15, 2013 (suggested date) •Workshops June 20-21, 2013 Workshops are a great format for active research on new topics. The ideal workshop covers a compelling selection of current and upcoming research, and includes an impressive set of speakers and participants with diverse backgrounds. Research talks, discussion via panels, identification of open problems, and discussants are all great components to include. Organization The format, style, and content of accepted workshops are under the control of the workshop organizers and largely autonomous from the main conference. Each workshop day can be up to seven hours long, split into morning and afternoon sessions. Workshop organizers are expected to manage the workshop content, invite experts in the domain, specify the workshop format, be present to moderate, and maintain a website for the workshop. Workshop registration will be handled centrally by the main conference. Submission Instructions Proposals should clearly specify the following: •Workshop title (what is it called?) •Topic (what is it about?) •Format (half-day, one-day, or two-day?) •Motivation, impact, and expected outcomes (why this workshop?) •Organizer; co-organizers; bios (who is making it happen?) •Potential invited speakers; potential participants (who might come?) •Related publications (where can we learn more?) Detailed descriptions of last year's workshops can be found at: http://icml.cc/2012/workshops/ Workshop proposals should be submitted via email in PDF format to workshops@icml2013.org by the due date (earlier submissions are encouraged as well). Proposals will be evaluated by the workshop chair and conference organizers, with an eye towards selecting high-quality workshops on a diverse set of topics that will inform and inspire the community. Contact: workshops@icml2013.org Geoff Gordon, workshop chair ICML 2013 ################################## Call for Tutorial Proposals ################################## The ICML 2013 Organizing Committee invites proposals for tutorials to be held at the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning, on June 16th, 2013 in Atlanta, USA. We seek proposals for half-day tutorials (three hours, including a half-hour break) or full-day tutorials (six hours, including two breaks) on core techniques and areas of knowledge of broad interest within the machine learning community, including established or emerging research topics within the field itself, as well as from related fields or application areas that are clearly relevant to machine learning. The ideal tutorial should attract a wide audience, and should be broad enough to provide a gentle introduction to the chosen research area, but should also cover the most important contributions in depth. Commercial presentations and tutorials that focus exclusively on the presenters' own work are not eligible. Tutorial proceedings will not be provided in hardcopy, but will instead be made available by the presenters on their website prior to the conference. How to Propose a Tutorial Proposals should provide sufficient information to evaluate the quality and importance of the topic, the likely quality of the presentation materials, and the speakers' teaching ability. We encourage tutorials taught by more than one person because the added perspective of additional presenters can provide richer, more balanced coverage of an area. Nevertheless, single person proposals are very welcome and will be considered equally in the evaluation process. The written proposal should be 2-3 pages long (plus possibly extra materials), and should use the following boldface text for section headings: Topic overview What will the tutorial be about? Why is this an interesting and significant subject for the machine learning community at large? Target audience >From which areas do you expect potential participants to come? What prior knowledge, if any, do you expect from the audience? What will the participants learn? How many participants do you expect? Content details Provide a detailed outline of the topics to be presented, including estimates for the time that will be devoted to each subject. Aim for a total length of approximately three hours (including a half-hour break). If possible, provide samples of past tutorial slides or teaching materials. In case of multiple presenters, specify how you will distribute the work. Format How will you present the material? Will there be multimedia parts of the presentation? Do you plan software demonstrations? Specify any extraordinary technical equipment that you would need. Organizers' and presenters' expertise Please include the name, email address, and webpage of all presenters. In addition, outline the presenters' background and include a list of publications in the tutorial area. Tutorial proposals should be submitted via email in PDF format to tutorials@icml2013.org. Soon after submission, proposers should expect to receive a verification of receipt. Important dates •Tutorial proposal deadline Jan 31, 2013 •Acceptance notification Mar 1, 2013 •Tutorials June 16, 2013 Contact: tutorials@icml2013.org Peter Stone, tutorial chair ICML 2013
Received on Monday, 7 January 2013 06:01:50 UTC