- From: Nick Bassiliades <nbassili@csd.auth.gr>
- Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 14:59:37 +0200
- To: www-rdf-logic@w3.org
[ our apologies should you receive this message more than one time ] ========================================================================== Due to a number of requests we have to decided to extend the abstract/paper submission deadlines by 1 week NEW deadline for abstract submission: March 4 NEW deadline for paper submission: March 11 ========================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS RuleML 2011@IJCAI 5th International Symposium on Rules: Research Based, Industry Focused Barcelona, Spain, 19-21 July 2011 http://2011.ruleml.org About The RuleML 2011 Symposia ------------------------------- In 2011, two instalments of the RuleML Symposium will take place. The first one will be held in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2011) in Barcelona, Spain, in July 19-21. The second one will be co-located with the Business Rules Forum (BRF 2011) to be held in Ft Lauderdale, Florida, Nov 3-4, including a Challenge Award, which this year will be dedicated to Rules and Ontologies. For RuleML-2011@IJCAI, a selection of the best papers will be presented during a joint session with IJCAI, and the authors of these papers will be invited to submit revised versions for inclusion in the IJCAI proceedings. Objectives ---------- RuleML-2011@IJCAI is a research-based, industry-focused symposium: its main goal is to build a bridge between academia and industry in the field of rules and semantic technology, and so to stimulate the cooperation and interoperability between business and research, by bringing together rule system providers, participants in rule standardization efforts, open source communities, practitioners, and researchers. The concept of the symposium has also advanced continuously in the face of extremely rapid progress in practical rule and event processing technologies. As a result, RuleML-2011@IJCAI will feature hands-on demonstrations and a use-case ranking alongside a wide range of thematic tracks. It will thus be an exciting venue to exchange new ideas and experiences on all issues related to the engineering, management, integration, interoperation, and interchange of rules in distributed enterprise intranets and open distributed environments. Topics ------ As in the previous years the Symposium will be organized in tracks, specifically for RuleML-2011@IJCAI the focus will be on the following areas: - Rules and Automated Reasoning - Rule-based non-monotonic and defeasible reasoning - Rule-based reasoning with modalities (deontic, temporal, etc) - Priorities handling in rule-based systems - Combination of rules, objects, and ontologies - AI techniques for rule reasoning, e.g. theorem proving, SAT solving, planning, constraint solving - Declarative business process modelling using rules - Parsing, semantics and reasoning for natural language rules, such as SBVR - Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning - Nonmonotonic reasoning systems for ontologies - Hybrid combinations of open and closed-world reasoning - Formalization and reasoning on multi-ontology and multi-semantics systems - Modular logic programs and ontologies - Datalog and tractable ontology languages - Uncertainty handling in ontologies and rules - Rules, Agents and Norms - Norm interchange format (Norm Types, Languages Temporal Issues) - Normative system roles and Authorities - Rule-based e-Contracting and Policy Negotiation - Verification of Normative Systems (Violations and Sanctions, Equivalence, Redundancy, Coherence, Change, Merge) - Business Process Compliance - Rule-Based Distributed/Multi-Agent Systems - Rule-based specification and verification of distributed and multi-agent systems - Rule-based distributed reasoning and problem solving - Rule-based interaction (cooperation, coordination, negotiation and argumentation) for multi-agent systems - Rules for service-oriented computing (discovery, composition, etc.) - Rule-based programming of (multi-)agent systems - Rule-based knowledge representation and reasoning in (multi-)agent systems - Rule-Based Policies, Reputation and Trust - Rule languages for policy specification and reasoning - Policy standards, their extensions and refinements - Formal semantics of policies - NLP and high-level requirements for policy specification - Detection and resolution of policy inconsistencies and conflicts - Representation of belief, trust, and risk - Policy Learning and automated policy generation - Rule-based Event Processing and Reaction Rules - Representation languages for event processing - Algorithms for real-time event processing - Probabilistic reasoning for event processing - Event-driven architectures - Benchmarks, performance evaluations, and testbeds for event-based systems - Rule based workflows - Rule-based event processing applications (ontologies, ...) - Fuzzy Rules and Uncertainty - Languages for the formalization of uncertainty rules - Probabilistic, fuzzy and other rule frameworks for reasoning with uncertain, vague or incomplete information - Handling inconsistent, conflicting or disparate rules using uncertainty - Uncertainty extensions of event processing rules, business rules, reactive rules, causal rules, derivation rules, association rules, or transformation rules - Benchmarks and test cases for uncertain rules - Combination of rules with other uncertainty handling frameworks (e.g. Bayesian Networks, fuzzy systems, etc) - Rule Transformation and Extraction - Transformation and extraction with rule standards, such as SBVR, RIF, RuleML and OCL - Extraction of rules from code - Transformation and extraction in the context of frameworks such as KDM (Knowledge Discovery meta-model) - Extraction of rules from natural language - Transformation or rules from one dialect into another - Representation of rules in Natural or Controlled Languages - Vocabularies, Ontologies, and Business rules - Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for Enterprise Modeling - Ontologies and Rules for Business Process Modeling - Ontologies and Goal-Based Modeling - Ontologies and Business Rules - Enterprise Reference Ontologies, Taxonomies and Vocabularies - Ontologies and Rules for Enterprise Integration - General Topics - Implemented tools for rules - Rule-based Applications - Rule interchange and reasoning interoperation - Usability and effectiveness of rule-based systems and languages Submission Guidelines --------------------- Authors are invited to submit original contributions of practical relevance and technical rigor in the field, experience reports and show case/use case demonstrations of effective, practical, deployable rule-based technologies or applications in distributed environments. Papers must be in English and may be submitted at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ruleml2011ijcai as: Full Papers (15 pages in the proceedings) Short Papers (8 pages in the proceedings) Please upload all submissions as PDF files in LNCS format (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). To ensure high quality, submitted papers will be carefully peer-reviewed by at least 3 PC members based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Publications ------------ The selected papers will be published in book form in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit a revised version of their papers for inclusion in the IJCAI 2011 Proceedings. Important Dates --------------- Abstract submission (NEW): March 4, 2011 (11:59PM, UTC-12) Paper submission (NEW): March 11, 2011 (11:59PM, UTC-12) Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 31, 2011 Camera-ready copy due: April 15, 2011 RuleML-2011 dates: July 19-21, 2011 RuleML 2011 Doctoral Consortium ------------------------------- The RuleML 2011 doctoral consortium is a new initiative of the International Symposium on Rules, RuleML, to attract and promote Ph.D. research in the area of Rules and Markup Languages. The doctoral symposium offers to students a close contact with leading experts on the field, as well as the opportunity to present and discuss their ideas in a dynamic and friendly setting. The accepted thesis descriptions will be presented to an interested audience and subject to discussion with a panel of senior researchers, and we expect submissions on any of this year's RuleML-2011 topics. PhD Paper submission: April 11, 2011 (11:59PM, UTC-12) More information: http://www.defeasible.org/ruleml2011/consortium Program Committee ----------------- General Chairs Georg Gottlob, University of Oxford, UK Juergen Dix, TU Clausthal, Germany Program Chairs Adrian Paschke, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany Guido Governatori, NICTA, Australia Nick Bassiliades, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Organization Chairs Luis Polo, CITIC, Spain Gines Moreno, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Spain Steering Chairs John Hall, Model Systems, UK Christian de Saint Marie, IBM ILOG, France
Received on Sunday, 27 February 2011 13:00:13 UTC