[WWW-LSNA 2012] Call For Papers

The 1st International Workshop on Large Scale Network Analysis (LSNA 2012)
In conjunction with WWW 2012

April 16, 2012 –Lyon, France
Website: http://www.largenetwork.org

Large network data are being produced by various applications in an ever
growing rate, from social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, scientific
citation networks such as CiteSeerX, to biological networks such as protein
interaction networks. Network data analysis is crucial for exploiting the
wealth of information encoded in such network data.  An effective analysis
of this data must take into account   complex structure including social,
temporal, and spatial dimensions, while an efficient analysis of such data
requires scalable techniques. As a result, there has been increasing
research in developing novel and scalable solutions for practical network
analytics applications.

This workshop will provide a forum for researchers to share new ideas and
techniques for large scale network analysis. We invite submission of
original research related to all aspects of large scale network analysis.

Topics of Interest
Topics of interest for this workshop include but are not limited to the

• Large scale network data acquisition, filtering, navigation,
integration, search and analysis
• Novel applications for network data with interesting analytics
• Exploring scalability issues in network analysis or modeling
• Distributed network data management
• Discussing the deficiency of current network analytics or modeling
approaches and proposing new directions for research
• Discovering unique features of emerging network datasets (e.g new
linked data, new form of social networks)

This workshop will include invited talks as well as presentation of
accepted papers.

Important Dates
Submission Deadline: February 5, 2012
Acceptance Notification: March 5, 2012
Camera-Ready Submission: March 19, 2012
Workshop Date: April 16, 2012

Submission Instructions
Submissions should present original results and substantial new work. This
workshop accepts both full papers (up to 10 pages) and short papers (up to
4 pages). Papers must conform to the ACM SIG format
(http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates). Submission
must be made at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lsna2012

Program Chairs
• C. Lee Giles, Pennsylvania State University, USA (giles@ist.psu.edu)
• Qi He, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA (heq@us.ibm.com)
• John McPherson, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
• Yuanyuan Tian, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA (ytian@us.ibm.com)
• Ding Zhou, Facebook, USA (dr.dingzhou@gmail.com)

Program Committee
• Jiang Bian, Yahoo! Labs, USA
• Levent Bolelli, Google, USA
•	Isaac Council, Google, USA
•	Amol Deshpande, University of Maryland, USA
•	Silvio Lattanzi, Google, USA
• Wolfgang Nejdl, L3S Research Center, Germany
• Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University, Canada
• Sherif Sakr, National ICT Australia, Australia
• Yanxin Shi, Facebook, USA
• Ambuj Singh, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
• Yang Song, Microsoft Research, USA
• Aixin Sun, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
• Lei Tang, Yahoo! Labs, USA
• Yuan Tian, Facebook, USA
• Haixun Wang, Microsoft Research Asia, China
• Zhen Wen, IBM T.J.Watson Research Center, USA
• Jianshu Weng, HP Research, Signapore
• Rong Yan, Facebook, USA
• Xifeng Yan, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
• Feida Zhu, Singapore Management University, Singapore
• Shenghuo Zhu, NEC Laboratories, USA

Received on Sunday, 18 December 2011 12:22:47 UTC