SPOT2010 - Trust and Privacy on the Social and Semantic Web - 2nd CfP

[Please accept our apologies if you received multiple copies of this CFP]

                              CALL FOR PAPERS


                      Second International Workshop on
               Trust and Privacy on the Social and Semantic Web

                          Co-located with ESWC2010
            (the 7th European / Extended Semantic Web Conference)

The Semantic Web is becoming reality as it is an integrated component of the Web
we are browsing everyday - be it the Open Linked Data movement that nowadays
exposes over 10 billion triples of RDF or the annotated and structured
information available on Web pages used by major search engines, such as Yahoo!
SearchMonkey and Google. Moreover, social data about people and their
interaction is made available in machine-understandable format in projects like
FOAF or SIOC. Facing this amount of data, privacy and trust consideration is an
important step to take right now. The challenging research questions arising
from this movement include:

* How do people know that the data gathered from several sources for reasoning
purposes can be trusted?

* How can one avoid that personal data exposed on the Semantic Web will be
combined with other available semantic data in a way that sensitive information
may be revealed?

* How shall a safe reasoning process look like that does not end up in a
conflict only because a single Semantic Web peer exposed a contradiction?

We expect discussions and results concerning questions like these at SPOT2010
leading to solutions and research results in the realm of Semantic Web and
social data for the pervasive issue of privacy and trust on the Web.


The list of topics that aims to be covered by the workshop include, but is not
limited to:

Semantic Technologies for Trust and Privacy on the Web
 * Privacy by generalization of answers
 * Ontologies for trust and privacy
 * Semantic Web policies
 * Usage control and accountability
 * Policy representation and reasoning
 * Semantic Web technologies for access control

Trusted Knowledge Representation and Reasoning on the Semantic Web
 * Data provenance and trustworthiness of knowledge sources
 * Trust-enabled linked data
 * Ontology hijacking
 * Scalability of trust and privacy on the Semantic Web

Trust and Privacy for Social Applications
 * Trust and privacy in social online communities (e.g., SIOC)
 * Privacy in Semantic Web sharing applications (e.g., semantic desktop)
 * User profiling and modeling vs. privacy
 * Privacy and community mining
 * Trust and reputation metrics
 * Usage mining and policy extraction
 * Privacy awareness in social communities
 * The Semantic Web as a trust enabler
 * Social Network annoyance, social software fatigue, social spam
 * Managing information overload on the Social Web with privacy metrics
 * Trust and privacy for social software on mobile devices


Papers will have to be formatted using the Springer Publications format for
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Submissions for the Research Papers
and Demos and Applications will be made using the EasyChair Conference System,
and proceedings of the papers will be provided through the CEUR online service.

The following types of contributions are welcome:

* Research Papers:
short (up to 6 pages) and full (up to 12 pages) technical papers that aims to
explore how Semantic Web technologies can provide solutions to trust and privacy
issues on the Web, focusing on one or more topics from the various ones
identified within the main CFP. Especially, we very welcome papers focusing on
theoretical work as well as applications regarding the benefits of Semantic Web
technologies to solve these issues. The papers should clearly define the
motivation of the work with relevant scenarios and should also provide a clear
overview and evaluation of the benefits of the proposed approaches;

* Demos and Applications:
participants have to submit a two-page paper containing a demo description
together with a URI where the demo is available on-line and meeting the
following conditions: (1) It must use Semantic Web technologies (such as RDF,
SPARQL, FOAF, SIOC, etc.); (2) It must deal with person or person-related
semantic data (such as profiles, buddylists, reviews, comments, etc.) and (3)
additionally, the demo may operate on a real social platform, such as MySpace,
Facebook, netvibes or iGoogle.

Papers shall be submitted in PDF format to


Submission deadline:           March 7, 2010 (23:59 pm Hawaii time, GMT-10)
Notification of acceptance:    April 5, 2010
Camera-ready paper submission: April 18, 2010
Workshop:                      May 30 or May 31, 2010


The workshop will be co-located with the ESWC in Heraklion (Greece), and will
be held on the 30th or 31st of May 2010. The workshop will consist of:

To be announced.

Research Track:
Full papers will be presented at the workshop in a 25 minutes session including
a discussion. We may add small panel sessions at the end of each research
session where the presenters are the panelists in order to foster discussion and
comparisons about the papers presented.

Demo and Application Track:
In order to stimulate discussions including practitioners and highlight future
directions we plan to include a Demo and Application track. In contrast to the
research track, there will be different rules for submissions: participants have
to submit a two-page paper containing a demo description together with a URI
where the demo is available on-line and meeting the following conditions

Lightning Talks Track:
We will provide a way for people to present feed- back on research track talks,
as well as controversial topics potentially fostering discussions after the
workshop. We envision short talks (three minutes maximum).


Philipp Kaerger,   L3S Research Center, Germany (
Daniel Olmedilla,  Telefonica R&D, Spain        (
Alexandre Passant, DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland    (
Axel Polleres,     DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland    (

For any enquiries about the workshop, please contact us at
spot2010 [at] easychair [dot] org.


Chris Bizer,  Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
John Breslin,  DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland
Dan Brickley,  FOAF Project, World
Juri Luca De Coi,  L3S Research Center, Germany
Stefan Decker,  DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland
Fabien Gandon,  INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France
Harry Halpin,  University of Edinburgh, UK
Olaf Hartig,  Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Germany
Michael Hausenblas,  DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland
Bettina Hoser, Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Philipp Kaerger,  L3S Research Center, Germany
Lalana Kagal,  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Jens Lehmann, Universitaet Leipzig, Germany
Javier Lopez,  University of Malaga, Spain
Fabio Martinelli,  National Research Council - C.N.R., Italy
Daniel Olmedilla, Telefonica R&D, Spain
Sascha Ossowski,  Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Alexandre Passant, DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland
Axel Polleres, DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland
Matthew Rowe, University of Sheffield, UK
Simon Schenk,  University of Koblenz-Landau
Daniel Schwabe,  Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Jean-Marc Seigneur,  University of Geneva, Switzerland
Nigel Shadbolt,  University of Southampton Highfield, UK
Carles Sierra, IIIA CSIC, Spain
Milan Stankovic, & LaLIC, Universite Paris IV Sorbonne, France
Henry Story,  Sun Microsystems, France
Alessandra Toninelli,  Universita di Bologna, Italy
Mischa Tuffield, Garlik, UK
Claudia Wagner,  Joanneum Research, Austria


The SPOT2010 Workshop is supported by the EU funded COST Action IC0801 -
Agreement Technologies (AT) and by the Science Foundation Ireland under grant
number SFI/08/CE/I1380 (Lion 2).

Received on Thursday, 11 February 2010 14:05:37 UTC