HINDAWI AHCI CfP: Special Issue on Subliminal Communication in HCI (Submission Deadline May 1st, 2010)

Dear Colleagues,
  It is our pleasure to invite you to submit an article to the


  Please note the submission deadline: May 1st, 2010 (extension
  on request possible)

  For further information and a PDF CfP visit:

  *** CALL FOR PAPERS *** 

   Human- and computer-based interactions  are ubiquitous in  our
   everyday lives - everything  from  our  mobiles,  iPods,  to a
   variety of computer systems  creates serious cognitive demands
   when switching from one to the next. When used simultaneously,
   extra cognitive demands are placed on us and the likelihood of
   success is dependent  upon our ability to apportion  attention
   to multiple tasks simultaneously.  To alleviate  the cognitive
   load associated with interacting  with varied  computing-based
   devices,   common   UIs   and  modes  of operation  should  be
   implemented,  significantly reducing the amount of information
   we must store and recall.  In addition,  subtle cues could  be
   emitted from the device to assist us during our  interactions,
   prompting   us  toward  the appropriate  action  required   to
   effectively complete a task.  These cues could be delivered in
   a variety of (communication channels), for instance, visual or
   auditory  cues could be  provided  according  to the  specific
   nature of the current activity.

   In  order to implement  these features,  UIs must be  provided
   with the means to detect the nature of the current interaction
   set,  rovide the subliminal cues across appropriate  channels,
   and evaluate their success.  This approach would benefit  from
   a   significant   collaborative   effort   from  a  range   of
   disciplines:   engineering,  neuroscience,  computer  science,
   psychophysiology,  and  related  fields.  The result  of  this
   approach provides exciting challenges which will significantly
   impact  society  at large,  making  significant  contributions
   toward a more natural,  convenient,  and even relaxing  future
   human-computer interface.

   Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

   - Compatibility  of  subliminal information transmission  with
     other demands and conditions in the field of HCI
   - Limits of reproducibility
   - Influence in interaction with further explicit channels
   - Impact   of   subliminally  delivered  information  on   the
     cognitive load
   - Subliminally   delivered  information  and   the  level   of
   - Subliminal  interfaces  for  the automotive domain  (head-up
     displays, vibro-tactile transducers embedded into the seat)
   - Basic characteristics of subliminally delivered  information
     (reachable   bandwidth,   natural  bounds,   complexity   of
     information, speed of perception)
   - Potential of subliminal cues to guide a person to the  right
     course of action or to a specific emotional state
   - Hardware components, that is, interactive smart rooms, games
     with dynamic UIs
   - Analysis   of  subliminal  processes,   that  is,   implicit
     interaction/cognition,  subliminal  messaging,   unconscious

   Before  submission  authors  should carefully  read  over  the
   journal's   Author   Guidelines,    which   are   located   at
   Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of  their
   complete  manuscript  through the journal  Manuscript Tracking
   System at  http://mts.hindawi.com,  according to the following


   Manuscript Due             May 1, 2010
   First Round of Reviews     August 1, 2010
   Publication Date           November 1, 2010

   Andreas  Riener,  Institute for Pervasive Computing,  Johannes
   Kepler University, 4040 Linz, Austria; riener@pervasive.jku.at
   (Lead Guest Editor)

   - Guido Kempter,  University  of  Applied Sciences Vorarlberg,
     6850 Dornbirn, Austria; guido.kempter@fhv.at
   - Timo Saari,  Department  of  Broadcasting Telecommunications
     and Mass Media, Temple University,  Philadelphia,  PA 19122,
     USA; saari@temple.edu
   - Kenneth Revett,  Department for Artificial Intelligence  and
     Interactive Multimedia,  Harrow School of  Computer Science,
     University   of   Westminster,    London,    England,    UK;

   Further  information  and  a online version of the CfP  (HTML,
   PDF)    can   be   found    at    the   following    location:

   Best regards,
   A. Riener, G. Kempter, T. Saari, K. Revett (Guest Editors)

Received on Wednesday, 14 April 2010 08:28:59 UTC