CfP: MOCA'09 - Fifth Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components and Agents



                              Call for Papers

                       Fifth International Workshop on
                Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents


                    Hamburg, Germany, 11th September 2009

                              organised by the
                "Theoretical Foundations of Informatics" Group
                        at the University of Hamburg

               Contact e-mail:


                       The workshop is co-located with

                                  MATES 2009
      The Seventh German conference on Multi-Agent System Technologies


                                 CLIMA-X 2009
  10th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems


                              Important Dates:

                Deadline for submissions:        July 17, 2009
                Notification of acceptance:    August 14, 2009
                Deadline for final papers:     August 28, 2009
                Workshop:                   September 11, 2009



   Modelling is THE central task in informatics. Models are used to
   capture, analyse, understand, discuss, evaluate, specify, design,
   simulate, validate, test, verify and implement systems. Modelling needs
   an adequate repertoire of concepts, formalisms, languages, techniques
   and tools. This enables addressing distributed, concurrent and complex

   Objects, components, and agents are fundamental units to organise
   models. They are also fundamental concepts of the modelling process.
   Even though software engineers intensively use models based on these
   fundamental units, and models are the subjects of theoretical research,
   the relations and potential mutual enhancements between theoretical and
   practical models have not been sufficiently investigated. There is
   still the need for better modelling languages, standards and tools.
   Important research areas are for example UML, BPEL, Petri nets, process
   algebras, or different kinds of logics. Application areas like business
   processes, (Web) services, production processes, organisation of
   systems, communication, cooperation, cooperation, ubiquity, mobility
   etc. will support the domain dependent modelling perspectives.

   Therefore, the workshop addresses all relations between theoretical
   foundations of models on the one hand and objects, components, and
   agents on the other hand with respect to modelling in general. The
   intention is to gather research and application directions to have a
   lively mutual exchange of ideas, knowledge, viewpoints, and

   The multiple perspectives on modelling and models in informatics are
   most welcome, since the presentation of them will lead to intensive
   discussions. Also the way objects, components, and agents are use to
   build architectures / general system structures and executing units /
   general system behaviours will provide new ideas for other areas.
   Therefore, we invite a wide variety of contributions, which will be
   reviewed by the PC-members who reflect important areas and perspectives
   for the Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents (MOCA).


   We look for contributions describing original research in topics
   related to formal methods in combination with object-orientation,
   components, or agents addressing open problems or presenting new ideas.
   Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
     * Uses of models of objects, components, and agents:
       design, specification, analysis, synthesis, composition,
       transformation, testing, validation, simulation, verification,
       assessment, software engineering, software development,
       re-engineering, code generation, prototyping, configuration,
       presentation, evolution, model checking, etc.
     * Concepts used within modelling of objects, components, and agents:
       objects (OOP, OOD, OOSE), components (CBD, CBSE), agents (AOP,
       AOSE, ABM), multi-agent systems (MAS), services, roles,
       interactions, organisations, processes, etc.
     * Concepts to be modelled with objects, components, and agents:
       software architecture, intelligence, coordination, negotiation,
       cooperation, organisation, encapsulation business objects,
       e-commerce, workflows, web services, flexible manufactoring, bio
       informatics, etc.
     * Techniques for modelling of objects, components, and agents:
       formal languages, visual languages, Unified Modelling Language
       (UML), Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), object-oriented
       Petri nets (OOPN), agent-oriented Petri nets, graph grammars and
       transformations, process algebras, logics, domain-specific
       languages (DSL), architecture description languages (ADL),
       event-driven process chains (EPC), discrete event systems,
       comparisons between modelling techniques, heterogeneous designs,
       multi-formalism modelling
     * Properties of models of objects, components, and agents:
       concurrency, distribution, mobility, autonomy, emotions,
       complexity, adaptability, self-organising, reliability,
       consistency, safety, deadlock prevention, evolution, scalability,
     * Modelling methodologies, paradigms and principles
     * Embedding of formal techniques in traditional software engineering
     * Tools and implementation technology in the fields mentioned above



   The program committee invites submissions of full contributions (10 -
   20 pages) or short contributions (up to 6 pages). For your submission
   in PDF format please use the online conference management system at


   Just create a new account and then upload your paper. (Later you will
   be able to see your reviews there.)

                            Submission Guidelines

   Please use the LaTeX document class svmult.cls for your contributions.
   Please also use BibTeX for your references (in particular for the final
   papers). An up-to-date version of svmult.cls together with extensive
   documentation can be found at


   or directly at


   Accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings which will
   appear as a technical report of the Department of Informatics,
   University of Hamburg, and which will be available at the workshop.

   The submissions will be evaluated by the international programme
   It is planned to publish post proceedings after a further review
   process in a book, dedicated to the workshop topics.


    For further information on MOCA'09 contact the programme commitee by
              email at

Received on Tuesday, 23 June 2009 16:25:38 UTC