Postdoc position on Description Logics and Rules in Bozen-Bolzano (Italy)

Job: Postdoc position at Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Duration: 3 years, renewable (by mutual consent) for another 3 years
Topics: Knowledge Representation, Description Logics, Rules

Language requirement: English

Application deadline: 25 March 2009

The  KRDB research  centre  at the  Free  University of  Bozen-Bolzano
(  seeks  applicant  for a  postdoctoral
position. The bulk of the research to be carried out is in the context
of   the  ONTORULE   project  (,   and  is
concerned with the application of Description Logics to business rules
and  the   combination  of  production  rule   and  Description  Logic
formalisms.   Both   representational   adequacy   and   computational
complexity play important roles in such combinations.

Candidates must have  a strong research record and  a solid background
in description and/or modal  logics. Experience with first-order modal
and fixed-point logics, and to  a lesser extent experience with active
rule languages such as  production rules, is considered desirable, but
by no means mandatory.

How to apply

Please fill in the forms A, B and C that may be found at the following
locations,  and submit  them to  the address  indicated on  the forms:

Unfortunately, the forms are only  available in Italian and in German.
Note  that  *neither*  Italian  *nor*  German  is  required  for  this
position.  If  you intend  to apply but  do not understand  Italian or
German (or do not understand the complicated forms), please let Jos de
Bruijn <> know,  so that he can help  you fill in
the forms.

If  you have  any further  questions related  to the  position, please
don't hesitate to contact Jos at the address above.

Received on Friday, 27 February 2009 18:01:52 UTC