IEEE Policy 2008 -- Call for Demos

[Please accept our apologies if you received multiple copies of this cfp]



              2008 IEEE International Workshop on Policies
                  for Distributed Systems and Networks

                            2-4 June 2008
                          Palisades, NY, USA


POLICY 2008 is the 9th in a series of successful workshops which since
1999 have provided a forum for discussion and collaboration between
researchers, developers and users of policy-based systems.  This year,
in addition to the latest research results from the communities
working in any area of policy-based management and computing, we
encourage contributions on policy-based techniques in support of
management and security of all types of wireless networks: cellular,
Wi-Fi, Mobile Ad Hoc, hybrids, etc.


To be considered for a system demonstration, contributors are invited
to submit a two page system description (not including references)
following the IEEE Proceedings 2-column format (for more information,
please see  Demo submissions will be
evaluated on the basis of their technical merit and novelty. Of
particular interest are systems that illustrate research contributions
and innovative applications of policy based technologies. Those
interested in demonstrating a system/application should submit a
description following the instructions in the System Submission
Section. Commercial products are eligible, but sales and marketing
activities are not appropriate.

Extended abstracts of accepted demonstrations will be included in the
workshop proceedings. The proceedings of the workshop will be
published by IEEE Computer Society.

If you have any questions about the suitability of your work for a
demo submission, please feel free to contact the demo chair, Daniel
Olmedilla, at olmedilla at L3S dot de


System demonstration submission deadline: 9 March 2008
System demonstration notification: 22 March 2008
Camera ready copy for system demonstrations due: 1 April 2008
Workshop dates: 2-4 June 2008


General Chair
* Dakshi Agrawal -- IBM Research, US

Program Chairs
* Ehab Al-Shaer -- DePaul University, US
* Lalana Kagal -- MIT, US
* Jorge Lobo -- IBM Research, US

Finance Chair
* Claudio Bartolini -- HP Labs, UK

Publicity Chair
* Alessandra Toninelli -- University of Bologna, Italy

Publication Chair
* Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville -- Federal University of Rio Grande
de Sul, Brazil

System Demonstrations Chair
* Daniel Olmedilla -- L3S Research Center and Hannover University, Germany

Received on Thursday, 31 January 2008 14:02:55 UTC