Dear Colleagues,


Please see below the Call for Papers for SIMA 2008.  The 3rd 

IEEE Workshop on Situation Management (SIMA 2008) is a one-day 

workshop to be held in conjunction with MILCOM 2008, November 17-19, 

2008 at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, CA.



(apologies for duplicate postings)


Call for Papers!

4th IEEE Workshop on Situation Management - (SIMA 2008)


Building on the success of previous SIMA workshops, SIMA 2008 

provides a unique forum for researchers in situation awareness 

and management, information fusion, semantic web and 

knowledge-based systems, real-time sensor networks, and 

related disciplines to exchange recent results in this new 

discipline and its application to a diverse range of areas 

including network centric warfare, homeland security, 

disaster recovery, and cyber security. 


SIMA invites scientists, engineers and decision makers from 

government, industry and academia to present technical papers 

on their research and development results in areas of situation 

management including but not limited to the following topics:




.. Situation Monitoring and Awareness

.. Semantic Web Technologies, Situation Modeling and Ontologies

.. High-Level Information and Knowledge Fusion

.. Multi-Agent Systems and Distributed Situation Management

.. Net-Centric Warfare and Battlespace Management

.. Homeland Security

.. Disaster Response & Crisis Management

.. Applications in Intelligent Transportation, Industrial and Health Care

.. Infrastructure and Cyber Security

.. Architectures, Case Studies, and Deployments

.. Learning and Situation Discovery

.. Predictive Situation Modeling and Threat Analysis

.. Reasoning about Situations and Decision Management

.. Event Correlation

.. Autonomic and Self-Organizing Systems

.. Situation Specification Languages and Tools

.. Situation Management in Tactical, Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mobile Networks




Full Papers Due:  25 April 2008

Author Notification:  9 June 2008

Final Camera Ready Papers Due:  18 July 2008




Abstracts and papers should be submitted via MILCOM's WAMS 

submission system at 

(go to unclassified paper submission section and select "SIMA" as 

submission topic).


Please also submit your submission directly to SIMA at 




For further information see


TPC Chair: John Buford, Avaya Labs Research 


Workshop Chair: Gabriel Jakobson, Altusys Corp.


Publicity Chair: Adam Stotz, CUBRC



Received on Friday, 15 February 2008 15:09:32 UTC