Triadic Relations and Meaning (english)

Triadic Relations and Meaning

Consider the context of a triadic relation, where each node in a triple
(instance of this relation) plays a specific role, according it's place in
the triple.

Let's use for this example, the relationship between three persons, one Son,
a Father and a Mother. Note tha this three types of instance are played by
instances of type Person, according to the rol / place in the relation

Son = Mother::son(Father)
Mother = Father::mother(Son)
Father = Son::father(Mother)

According this, corresponds that a specific Son refers only one Mother and
Father, that a Mother, according to one Son of her, refers only one Father.
The same way, a Son and a Father refers only one Mother. 

Another example:

Considering the relationship between an Author, a Title and a Piece.

1. A Title of an Author refers 1 Piece
2. An Author and a Piece refers 1 Title
3. A Piece and a Title refers 1 Author

Piece = Author::piece(Title)
Títle = Piece::title(Author)
Author = Title::author(Piece)

For certain Subject or 'real' thing there is a Topic (Name) representing it
(like a handle). This Subject represents a Type instance representing Topic
't', which, in turns, represents another Subject.

Topic -> reifies -> Subject
Subject -> reifies -> Type
Type -> reifies -> Topic

Name (
Type (value.type(Name))

04/02/2008: Sebastián Samaruga

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