[fomi2008] Call for participation

Apologies for cross postings

Please   circulate   this   announcement  among  your  colleagues and  
students who may be interested.

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                      CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
       Workshop on Formal Ontologies Meet Industry, FOMI 2008
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Stefano Borgo  (Laboratory of Applied Ontology  ISTC-CNR, Trento) and
Leonardo Lesmo  (Computer Science  Department, Turin  University) are
proud to  announce the open  registration to FOMI 2008.  The workshop
will be hosted  by the Employers' Association  (Unione Industriale di
Torino) in beautiful Turin, Piedmont, ITALY - from June 5-6, 2008.

Its organization  is due to the  joint efforts of the  Laboratory for
Applied  Ontology  (ISTC-CNR,  Trento),  and  of  the  Department  of
Computer  Science   (University of Turin).

FOMI  is  an  international  forum  where  academic  researchers  and
industrial practitioners  meet to analyze and  discuss issues related
to  methods,  theories,  tools   and  applications  based  on  formal

New  tools and  applications have  been  and are  being developed  in
diverse application  fields, ranging from business  to medicine, from
engineering to  finance, from  law to electronics.  Such applications
benefit  from   both  the  theoretical  results   and  the  practical
experience of  previous work. Formal  ontologies can then play  a key
role in describing in a common and understandable way the logical and
practical features  of the application domain.

The FOMI  08 Workshop aims to  advance in this direction  by bringing
together  researchers   and  practitioners  interested   in  ontology
application, as  witnessed by  our diversified  list of  speakers and

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Keynote Speakers

H. Akkermans (Free University Amsterdam).
W. Behrendt (Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft).

Regular Talks

E.  Little   (Center  for   Ontology  &   Interdisciplinary  Studies,
D'Youville  College,  Buffalo, NY,  USA),  J.  Eberle and  F.  Turino
(Computer Task  Group (CTG), Buffalo, NY,  USA). Utilizing Ontologies
for Petrochemical Applications.

O. Grebner and  U. Riss (SAP Research,  Karlsruhe, Germany). Implicit
Metadata Generation on the Semantic  Desktop Using Task Management as

M.   West  (Reference   Data   Architecture   and  Standards,   Shell
International  Petroleum  Co.  Ltd, UK).  Roles:  A  Four-Dimensional

H.  Fatemi, H.  Abolhassani  and M.  Sayyadi  (Semantic Web  Research
Laboratory,  Computer Engineering  Department,  Sharif University  Of
Technology, Tehran,  Iran). Using  Background Knowledge  and Context.

M. Carrara  and M. Soavi  (University of Padua,  Italy). Counterfeits
and Copies. An Ontological Analysis.

N.  Baumgartner  (team   Communication  Technology  Management  Ltd.,
Vienna, Austria), E. Retschitzegger and W. Schwinger (Johannes Kepler
University, Linz, Austria).  Application Scenarios of Ontology-Driven
Situation Awareness Systems.

R. Damiano,  V. Lombardo, F.  Nunnari and A. Pizzo (Universita` degli
Studi  di  Torino, Italy).  Ontological  Domain  Coding for  Cultural
Heritage     Mediation.

A.  Fuertes,  M.  Casals,  M.  Gangolells, N.  Forcada  and  X.  Roca
(Department  of  Construction  Engineering, Technical  University  of
Catalonia,  Spain).  An Ontology  for  Environmental  and Health  and
Safety  Risks' Evaluation  for Construction.

A.A. Sharifloo and M.  Shamsfard (NLP Research Laboratory, Department
of Computer  Engineering, Shahid  Beheshti University,  Evin, Tehran,
Iran). Using Agility in Ontology Construction.

D. Fowler,  Q. Reul  and D. Sleeman  (University of  Aberdeen, United
Kingdom).  IPAS  Ontology  Development.

M.  Baldoni,  C. Baroglio,  A.  Horvath,  V. Patti  (Dipartimento  di
Informatica, Universita` degli  Studi  di Torino,  Italy), F.  Portis
(Easybit   S.r.l.,  Torino,   Italy),   M.  Avilia   and  P.   Grillo
(Dipartimento di  Informatica,  Universita` degli  Studi  di  Torino,
Italy).  Folksonomies  Meet  Ontologies   in  ARSMETEO:  from  Social
Descriptions  of  Artifacts  to  Emotional  Concepts.

K.  Apenyo (U.S.  Army Research  Laboratory). Relationship  Discovery
Ontology in  Asymmetric  Warfare.

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A limited  number of grants will  be made available for  students, to
cover inscription fee and accommodation  expenses. The initiative  is
strictly reserved to (both undergraduate  and PhD) students; as such,
proof  of current  enrolment will be asked.

The choice among candidates, taken  by the Organizing Committee, will
be unappealable. Please address requests to info.fomi2008@di.unito.it
with subject [FOMI 2008 - students grants]

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With the support of

- Compagnia di San Paolo
- Creactive Consulting
- Unione Industriale - Torino 
- Universita` di Trento, Dipartimento di Informatica e Studi Aziendali

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Daniele Radicioni,
on behalf of the FOMI 2008 Organization Committee

Received on Thursday, 10 April 2008 14:50:00 UTC