IEEE Policy 2008 -- Call for Papers

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                         CALL FOR PAPERS

                         ---  POLICY 2008  ---

           2008 IEEE International Workshop on Policies
               for Distributed Systems and Networks

                         2-4 June 2008
                    Palisades, NY, USA



The policy workshop aims to bring together researchers and 
practitioners working on policy-based systems across a wide range of 
application areas including policy-based networking, privacy and 
security management, storage area networking, and enterprise systems.

POLICY 2008 is the 9th in a series of successful workshops which 
since 1999 have provided a forum for discussion and collaboration 
between researchers, developers and users of policy-based systems. 
This year, in addition to the latest research results from the 
communities working in any area of policy-based management and 
computing, we encourage contributions on policy-based techniques in 
support of management and security of all types of wireless networks: 
cellular, Wi-Fi, Mobile Ad Hoc, hybrids, etc.

POLICY 2008 invites unpublished novel contributions on all aspects of 
policy-based management. This year, as part of the technical program 
we also plan a special session devoted to the demonstrations of 
innovative policy based systems. Papers must describe original work 
and must not have been accepted or submitted for publication 
elsewhere. Submitted papers will be evaluated for technical 
contribution, originality, and significance.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:


* Abstract models and languages for policy specification
* Representing policies in XML, RDF, and OWL
* Semantic Web rule languages for policy reasoning
* Policy standards, their extensions and refinements
* Formal semantics of policies
* Relationships between policies in IT processes and devices
   or across multiple applications
* Methodologies/tools for discovering, specifying, analyzing,
   refining, evaluating and visualizing policy
* Models of policy negotiation
* Representation of belief, trust, and risk in policies


* Application of policies for autonomic computing, QoS adaptation,
   and security
* Application of policies for identity and privacy management
* Business rules and organizational modeling
* Identity management
* Personalization
* Risk adaptive policy systems
* Database policies
* Policy applications in on-demand, utility based computing
* Resource virtualization and policy-based collaboration
* Case studies of applying policy-based management


* Service management in mobile ad hoc networks
* Policy systems for small devices
* Policy-based spectrum management
* Privacy and security
* Policies in location based services
* Context-aware policies in pervasive and mobile computing


Papers under review elsewhere must NOT be submitted to Policy 2008. Paper or
demo submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their technical merit and
novelty. For System Demo, of particular interest are systems that illustrate
research contributions and innovative applications of policy based

Policy 2008 invites contributions in the form of either:
  * Technical papers (max. length 8 pages).
  * Short position papers describing preliminary systems or experimental
results (max. length 4 pages).

Please check out for details.


Paper Registration deadline: 15 December  2007
Paper submission deadline: 21 December 2007
Author notification: 5 March 2008
System demonstration submission deadline:  3 March 2008
System demonstrator notification: 17 March 2008



General Chair
* Dakshi Agrawal -- IBM Research, US

Program Chairs
* Ehab Al-Shaer -- DePaul University, US (ehab "AT"
* Lalana Kagal -- MIT, US lkagal "AT"
* Jorge Lobo -- IBM Research, US (jlobo "AT"

Finance Chair
* Claudio Bartolini -- HP Labs, UK

Publicity Chair
* Alessandra Toninelli -- University of Bologna, Italy

Publication Chair
* Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville -- Federal University of Rio Grande 
de Sul, Brazil

System Demonstrations Chair
* Daniel Olmedilla -- L3S Research Center and Hannover University, Germany


Akhil Sahai  -- HP Laboratories
Alva Couch  -- Tufts University
Andrea Westerinen  --  Microsoft Corp
Andreas Schaad   --  SAP
Anna Cinzia Squicciarini  --  Purdue University
Arcot Rajasekar --  University of California at San Diego
Arosha Bandara  -- Open University
Babak Sadighi  --  Swedish Institute of Computer Science
Bhavani Thuraisingham  --  The University of Texas at Dallas
Bruno Crispo --  Vrije Universiteit
Carl Gunter  --  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Christian Jensen  --  University of Denmark
Duminda Wijesekera  --  GMI
Elisa Bertino  --  Purdue University
Emil Lupu  --  Imperial College
Filip Perich  --  Shared Spectrum
Francisco Garcia  --  Agilent
Gail Ahn   --   UNC Charlotte
Gregory Cirincione  --  Army Research Lab
Hanan Lutfiyya   --  University of Western Ontario
Helge Janicke  --  De Montfort University
Hong Li  --  Intel Corporation
John Strassner   --  Motorola Labs
Ken Moody  --  Cambridge University
Lisandro Z. Granville  --  UFRGS
Manish Dave  --  Intel Corporation
Marco Casassa Mont  --  Hewlett-Packard Labs
Marianne Winslett   --   University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Morris Sloman  --  Imperial College London
Nahid Shahmehri   --   Linkopings University, Sweden
Naranker Dulay   --  Imperial College London
Olivier Festor   --   LORIA - INRIA Lorraine
Pierangela Samarati   --  University of Milan
Rebecca Montanari  --  University of Bologna
Ritu Chadha   --  Telcordia
Sanjai Narain  --  Telcordia
Seraphin Calo   --  IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Sushil Jajodia   --  George Mason University
William Winsborough  --  University of Texas at San Antonio
Yuri Demchenko  --  University of Amsterdam

Received on Wednesday, 14 November 2007 20:33:23 UTC