mKE Quick Reference list

I have the feeling that you (people working with RDF,OWL,CycL)
are not taking advantage of the useful power of myKnowledgeExplorer
because you are not familiar with what it can do.

I have over 10 years experience working with context hierarchies,
and I have added to mKE a number of commands, questions, and
attributes which I have found very useful.  I just had mKE do a count
for me.  At startup, mKE offers the user 177 commands, simple questions
using 100 verbs, and 85 attributes which modify the way mKE processes

Since mKE possesses self knowledge, it only takes a couple of lines of mKR
to retrieve the information from mKE.  Here's an mKR script that does the 

# KEHOME/help/mkeQuickReference.mkr
# Jan/31/2007
# create mke Quick Reference list of
#   all ke actions
#   all ke attributes
#   all ke verbs
do print od "##### all ke actions #####" done;
do size_action od ke done;
ke do ? done;
do print od "##### all ke attributes #####" done;
do size_attribute od ke done;
ke has ?;
do print od "##### all ke verbs #####" done;
do size_unit od verb done;
verb isc* ?;

Since the mKE Quick Reference list is about 7 pages long, I'll just
give you a link:

The commands range from really basic operations like counting
attributes and actions, parsing lists, quoting troublesome phrases,
to sophisticated operations like removing redundant links in a
hierarchy, executing specific commands while "walking"
through a hierarchy, and classifying unknowns based on genus-
differentia definitions.  The "check" command looks for dozens
of different errors and inconsistencies in the context hierarchy.

The attributes of mKE control things like input format (kformat);
output format (hformat), where knowledge is stored (kbmode,
arraymode),  whether context prefixes ("view:") and full path names
are displayed in user output (DisplayName), whether CycL
constant prefixes ("#$") are displayed, where GDBM tables
are stored (kedb), which Cyc "world" is used (kbworld), which
operating system environment is used (systype), and the
current context (space,time,view).

The verbs (ignore "i:" prefix -- that just means individual verb,
as opposed to a verb class) often have inverses, and often
have regular expression style extensions to indicate the number
of levels traversed in the context hierarchy.  Here are a few
sample questions.
    x iss ?;       # genus of x
    x iss* ?;     # all classes of x to top of hierarchy
    x iss**? y;  # number of hierarchy levels between x and y
    x isc* ?;     # subhierarchy of x
    ? ismem x;  # all members of x
    x isall ?;      # all members of x
    y := x has color=?;   # color of x, saved in variable y
    ? has color=red;       # all red entities
    x is ?;                       # aliases & genus-differentia definition 
of x
    he is ?;                     # referent of pronoun variable he
    x := ?;                      # value of variable x

Dick McCullough
knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
knowledge haspart proposition list;

Received on Thursday, 1 February 2007 08:52:42 UTC